Ram Charan's most awaited flick Naayak has been censored on Friday and has been awarded with an A certificate due to violence in the second half of the movie. Censor board asked for few cuts to give it a U/A certificate, but the makers are happy with an A. The report of Nayak from the Censor members is out.
Nayak is a regular masala potboiler with nice twists and turns in the tale. Pre interval episode is the highlight of the film say sources. Charan killing Pradeep Rawat has come out so well and the flashback episode is superb. Climax is routine after a powerful flashback episode. Content wise it is far better than Charan's previous film Racha.
Songs are pretty good on screen and action episodes have come out well. If you are a mass masala fan, Nayak would be a real treat for this Pongal, say reports. On a whole Nayak is carrying positive report and the movie is all set for grand release on January 9. Let's wish Charan scores a blockbuster to flag off this year.
Nayak is a regular masala potboiler with nice twists and turns in the tale. Pre interval episode is the highlight of the film say sources. Charan killing Pradeep Rawat has come out so well and the flashback episode is superb. Climax is routine after a powerful flashback episode. Content wise it is far better than Charan's previous film Racha.
Songs are pretty good on screen and action episodes have come out well. If you are a mass masala fan, Nayak would be a real treat for this Pongal, say reports. On a whole Nayak is carrying positive report and the movie is all set for grand release on January 9. Let's wish Charan scores a blockbuster to flag off this year.